A church is suppose to be a holy place and as a result of that most girls don't compare notes before lying to brother's who they love and they feel wont reciprocate their love if he finds out the truth about their past. What they have failed to realise is that every sinner has a past including the brother they are lying too. Many of such relationship's take off on a faulty foundation and hence run into troubled waters in the not too distant future because a lie begets a lie and many more lies to cover up the first lie until the truth comes out. One of the reasons why we lie most times is because church people are very judgmental but that doesn't justify lying in the house of God
1) I'm a virgin.
Who lied to you that virginity equates holiness. While loosing your virginity out of wedlock is not a thing to be proud of as a child of God, bear in mind that the brother you are lying too was once a sinner and probably is not a virgin too. A guy that loves you will stay irrespective of your virginity status. The truth is that you cannot justify this lie beyond the wedding night and most times this lie leads to lie number 2.
2) The most common lie is the story of how they lost their virginity "I was Molested against my will by an uncle or was manipulated by a doctor when i went to the hospital or other variants of the story .......". The list is endless.
No one wants to tell the story of how their first love used enticing words like the devil in the garden of eden to taste of their first fruit.
The truth is that he might have had different versions of that story that as soon as you start he will help you complete your statements in his mind. The irony is that church girls don't compare notes and their "sharp minds" will tell them no one else has used this line before.
3)I've not had sex since I got born again.
While it is possible by the grace of God never lie about this because guys are the worst gossips on earth. The truth always has a way of coming out unless you didn't do it with a guy.
......I'm feeling sleepy too be continued.
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